Marrakech Tagine Bread

Marrakech Tagine Bread
Let’s talk about serendipity.  Before we left on our trip to Maine, I blogged about my 2014 resolution and my word for 2014 – authentic.  We made it up to Maine and stayed at John’s brother and sister-in-laws house.  If you remember well, you’ll know we welcomed John’s nephew into the family earlier this year so we were excited to stay with them and visit with baby nephew!Back to serendipity – we exchanged gifts and as always, they are oh so thoughtful.  They bought us a tagine, one that was handmade in Tunisia!  Along with some preserved lemons and ras el hanout.  If there was ever a way to start the 2014 off more authentic, it was with a tagine!  I love getting awesome stuff for the kitchen that I would never buy myself! And you probably know me well enough to know the first weekend we were home the tagine was on the stove!

It’s crazy but I’ve had a tagine recipe stashed on my “to make” list ever since I readthis book.  But those beautiful tagines always enthralled me and I wanted to wait until I had one to make the recipe in.  Plus, the number of ingredients I would need to make it gave me pause as well.  I did a couple searches online as well and came across a bread recipe that is popular in Marrakech.  A perfect complement to my tagine.  Best part?  It’s made in the food processor.  Are you running out to make this yet, or what?!

Marrakech Tagine Bread (adapted from Andrea’s Recipes)
Serves: 6
2 1/2 cups semolina flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons rapid rise (or bread machine) yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons sugr
1 3/4 cups warm water
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons butter, melted

In the bowl of a food processor, combine semolina, flour, yeast, salt, and sugar.  Pulse until thoroughly mixed.  Let the machine run and slowly pour in the warm water and olive oil.  Process until the ingredients are mixed and the dough is smooth.  It will most likely be pretty sticky, but not runny.

Turn the dough onto a well-floured surface.  Lightly knead a few times to make the dough smooth and elastic.  Cover with a damp tea towel and let rest for 15 minutes.

Punch the dough down, turn it over, and divide into 6 pieces.  Flatten each piece into a 1/4-inch thick round.  Lay each round on the back side of a baking sheet and sprinkle with additional semolina.  Cover with a tea towel and let rise until doubled (about 60 minutes).

Position a rack on the lowest rung in the oven and place a cookie sheet on it.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.  Press the center of each round with the palm of your hand to deflate it, then prick each with  fork a few times.  Brush each round with melted butter and immediately transfer them onto the hot baking sheet.  Bake 15-20 minutes, until the loaves sound hollow when tapped and are golden brown.  Serve warm.

Until the next time my oven is on…

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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