Rasgulla Amrakhand

Rasgulla Amrakhand

Shrikhand is a very popular sweet dish made with strained yogurt in Maharastrian as well as Gujarati cuisine. It’s generally served as a side for pooris or breads. Many of the Gujarati dishes are slightly sweet to taste as jaggery or sugar are added to appease the sweet tooth even in savory dishes. Shrikhand is usually garnished with saffron, cardamom powder and assorted nuts to give a nice crunch and rich flavor to this other wise creamy yogurt dish. This popular desert is often served along with many other dishes in a Gujarati thaali or feasts. Most of the dishes in the thaali are spicy and the chilled Shrikhand counters and gives the much-needed cooling effect. A very popular variation of Shrikhand is to add mango puree and its called Amrakhand.

Rasgullas is a famous Bengali dish. They are spongy cheese based balls dipped in sugar syrup. They are quite famous dish and are often served as dessert in many Indian restaurants. Almost all of the sweet stalls in India carry Rasgullas and are readily available in cans in many Indian super stores.I was quite drawn to the idea of combining both Rasgulla and Amrakhand when I saw Chef Sanjeev Kapoor making this dish in one of his shows. Instead of serving Rasgullas with sugar syrup it’s served with Amrakhand. The combination was simply divine and quite unique to taste. Rasgullas can either be prepared at home or can be store-bought. In this recipe I’ve used store-bought Rasgullas but made the Amrakhand at home. Make the Amrakhand and refrigerate until you are ready to serve. Serving this dish chilled is of utmost importance as the taste can be most appreciated when this dish is served cold. Enjoy!!!



Rasgulla Amrakhand


  • Ingredients:
  • Rasgullas — 20
  • Mango Puree — 1 cup (either made from fresh mango or canned pulp)
  • Greek Yogurt or Hung Curd — 2 cups (I used Fage)
  • Powdered Sugar — 1/4 cup (add few Tbsp if more sweetness is needed)
  • Cardamom Powder — 1/4 tsp
  • Dry Roasted Pistachios — 10 (sliced)
  • Saffron — a pinch


  1. If fresh mangoes are being used, then remove skin and seed from mangoes and cut the pulp into small slices, puree them into smooth pulp. If the mangoes are not smooth in texture, sieve the pulp to get a smooth pulp.
  2. Line a thin muslin/cheese cloth on a bowl and pour the curd into the cloth. Grab all the corners of the cheese cloth and twist. Place the cloth with the curd in it and refrigerate for at least an hour. The water drains out from the cloth into the bowl and the resulting curd in the cloth is very thick. This is the curd that’s most desirable to make shrikhand and amrakhand.
  3. Remove the curd into a bowl. Add mango pulp and check the texture of the amrakhand. If the texture is not smooth then filter again through a cheese cloth to get a smooth glossy texture. Garnish with fine cardamom powder, saffron and mix well. Refrigerate the amrakhand until needed.
  4. Few minutes before serving, place rasgullas on the serving dish or bowl add good amount of amrakhand on top. Garnish with sliced pistachios on top. Return to the refrigerator for few more minutes. Serve chill. Enjoy!!!



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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

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