Raspberry White Chocolate Brownies

Raspberry White Chocolate Brownies
John and I visited a few neighborhoods before choosing which was the right one for us.  Forest Hills called to us because of it’s beautiful architecture and cute main street right off the train.  It was a mix of national chains (like Victoria’s Secret, Ann Taylor, and Aldo) and local stores and restaurants.Knowing us the way you do, you know the local places called to us much more than the national brands, and, of course, the food called louder than the rest.  That first day we had sandwiches at a cute little cafe.  After meeting with realtors all day (and having zero luck), we walked past a small storefront with a simple sign “Brownies and Cream”.  We peered inside and then walked in to have a closer look.  After seeing close to 20 apartments and not agreeing on any of them, we were in need of a pick-me-up.  John got a peanut butter brownie (of course).  But me, I went straight for the raspberry one.

It was melt-in-your-mouth delicious and when I finally found an apartment a few weeks later, I stopped off to get some brownies to “celebrate” with Mom and Dad.  John’s first night here we “celebrated” with more brownies.  They were our go-to place for a fun treat.  Well, about 3 months after we moved in, they shut down.  But, being the blogger that I am, I emailed them asking for the raspberry brownie recipe.  And they were kind enough to share it with me.  And now, I’m going to be kind enough to share it with you.

Raspberry White Chocolate Brownies
Serves:  9 (9×9 pan)
1 Homemade Brownie Mix
1 cup butter, completely melted
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups raspberry jam
1 cup white chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  Grease a 9×9 baking pan and set aside.  Combine the brownie mix, butter, eggs, and vanilla.  Stir until the batter is fully combined.  Pour half the batter into the prepared baking pan.  Scoop 3/4s of a cup of jam into a small microwaveable bowl and microwave the jam for 30 seconds, until warm and easy to use / spread.  Spread half of the jam onto the brownie layer.  Then cover with the remaining batter.  Bake for 18-25 minutes, until the brownies are fully baked through.

Let the brownies cool completely.  Spread the remaining jam over the top of the cooled brownies and then top with white chocolate chips.  Let them set for about 2 hours on the counter, covered.  Then, cut and serve.  To store, place in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Until the next time my oven is on…

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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