Homemade Sour Gummies

Homemade Sour Gummies

I have been seeing a lot of homemade gummies on pinterest and on instagram from some of my favorite food bloggers so I thought I would give it a try but I wanted to make homemade sour gummies. You have to understand any sour gummy candy has always been my favorite. Sour straws, sour worms, sour patch kids. I could seriously eat large amounts in one sitting if I let myself. I avoid them as much as possible because they are full of sugar and corn syrup. When I found out via the pinterest and instagram posts that grassfed gelatin gummies are actually good for you I became obsessed. They are a protein packed snack that helps tighten loose skin, improves digestion, helps joint recovery, and can decrease food allergies among many other health benefits.

I tried several recipes and ended up making up my own to get the flavor and texture I wanted.


1/3 Cup Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
2/3 Cup Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice
5 Tbsp Grassfed Gelatin
3 Tbsp Honey (Add more if you want it sweeter)

You can make these in any pan or container. I used these candy molds to make the gem and heart shapes.

Homemade-Gummies 2


1. Combine all ingredients in a small sauce pan adding the gelatin last.
2. Heat on low while stirring with a whisk until the gelatin and honey are completely dissolved to combine all ingredients. Do not let boil.
3. Use a measuring cup to carefully pour mixture into candy molds.
4. Place in freezer for 10 minutes.
5. Enjoy!

You can store them in the refrigerator for several days, however they taste the best as soon as they come out of the freezer.

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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