The Green Shake

The Green Shake

There is one recipe that I am asked for more than any other recipe, and that is this one: THE GREEN SHAKE.  That’s the reason this meal has its very own category.  The idea for these smoothies came from the House of Health cookbook series created and written by Dr. Robert Young.  The foundational foods in this recipe have remained the same, but we have tweaked the minor ingredients here and there for no other reason than to satisfy our taste buds.  If you have ever been to a workshop taught by my husband, you have heard his fond references to this daily supplemental meal of his.  Many of you have been “green shakers” yourselves for quite sometime and have developed your very own delicious version.  There are three main reasons that we “drink” at least one meal per day: 1.) It’s quick and easy,  2.) You can pack in many highly concentrated nutrients that you would otherwise have to eat 5 lbs of broccoli to obtain, 3.) It’s so easy for your body to absorb and digest.  This liquid feast is so filling and absolutely keeps you satiated for hours.  As time passes, I will add different variations to this category.  Today, I will begin with only the original.  Trust me, I know the combination of foods is not the most appetizing, but I promise it’s not as bad as it sounds.  The saying “one good choice leads to another” is certainly true.  In this case, the more you drink these healthy shakes, the more you crave them.  Give them a try!  Your body will thank you.

This is the thickest of the shake family.  You can add water/milk of your choice until you reach the desired consistency.

This recipe fills two mason jars.

  • 1 cup coconut milk/almond milk
  • 1.5 – 2 cups water
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2-3 handfuls fresh spinach
  • 1 grapefruit, peel discarded
  • 1 lime, peel discarded
  • 1-2 scoops green powder (we use Green Vibrance*)
  • drops of stevia* to taste
  • ice
  • OPTIONAL: 2 drops peppermint extract

Additional optional supplements that we include in our shakes:

  • Vega Whole Meal Powder* (Berry is great); if you add Vega you will need much less stevia, possibly none.
  • Udo’s Omega 3.6.9 Oil*
  • Rainbow Vibrance*
  • Mila powder*
  • L-Glutamine*
  • Daily Multi-Vitamin*

*Products can be purchased in our office.

Blend all ingredients in your blender & enjoy.  It’s best to drink these within 6 hours.  The flavor begins to change slightly the longer they sit.

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Eva Rosenberg

Eva Rosenberg

Welcome to Eva's Kitchen where I share my adventures in cooking. My creations may not always turn out Pinterest perfect, but I usually end up with a funny picture or an interesting meal. Thanks for stopping by!


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